Vendor   Resources

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Contact GVFM

Become a Vendor this Summer!

The 2024 season is in full swing! There are no Reserved Spaces currently available, but consider participating in our Lottery Program.

Become a Lottery Vendor

With this option, you can show up any Saturday morning, pay a small fee and we can place you in a space for the day. (You will not be guaranteed the same space if you return in future weeks). If you would like to become a lottery vendor, please read our “Lottery Rules and How-To’s” through the link below.

Become a Reserved Vendor

(Reserved Vendor Applications are closed for the 2024 season.) With this option, you can reserve the same space for the whole summer. An additional reservation fee is required. If you would like to become a Reserved Vendor, please send us a “New Vendor Application,” via the link  below and we will contact you. 

Every Saturday

Starting 6.15.2024

Gallatin County Fairgrounds | Haynes Pavilion

Hours of Operation

9:00 am — 12:00 pm

Vendor Resources

Click //  Download link or Document title to open PDF or Link.


Please follow the link below to fill out a new vendor application and we will contact you!

// Link to Reserved Vendor Application

Rules & Regulations

Rules and regulations. Everything you need to know about becoming a vendor.

// Download GVFM Vendor Handbook

// Download GVFM Standard Season Rules 



Booth Display Recommendations

Here are some of our recommendations for booth setup and display!

//  Booth Display Recommendations



Nutrition Programs

Visit the links below to learn more about Nutrition Programs accepted at the GVFM.

// Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program

// WIC Farmers Market Nutrition Program

//SNAP & Double SNAP Dollars Program


Become a lottery vendor

The GVFM offers an alternative to becoming a full-time reserved vendor. Show up on a Saturday morning and just join for the day!

// Download Lottery Rules & How-Tos

Vendor Insurance

The GVFM and its affiliate Career Transitions maintains a liability insurance policy covering injuries that may occur at the GVFM. This policy covers the Market in general and is intended to work in conjunction with individual policies provided by vendors.

All value-added food vendors MUST add the GVFM as additionally insured and or a certificate holder.

// Food Liability Insurance Program

“For us, we have seen “all walks of life” come by and to our booth over the years. Some from different states and countries. Seeing diversity. All are welcome! Many cannot afford much, so it is a fun, free outing! And, especially, being able to get fresh vegetables! Flowers! Or even a $10 sign board! A wonderful gathering place for anyone.”

Charlie Murdy

“One of the biggest ways the market enhances the community is by offering a connection! A connection of friends, customers, and the feeling that my work wouldn’t be the same without these people! We all look forward to the connections we have made at the market.”

Marci Gehrig

“I think my favorite part of the market is the relationships I’ve formed but also I love seeing the growth in myself.”

Leslie Swenson

“As a produce vendor, I feel like the market provides a crucial connection between farmer and shopper, especially since I am a small farm and do not sell through stores, etc.”

Julie Serafin
Borrowed Acre Produce

“My craft business gives me a reason to get up in the morning and get out and meet new people.”

Evelyn Halvorson
Evy of MT

“Times and people change but the reason for the “season” will keep going – as long as people can connect – almost like church – you go for the lessons and good food!”

Mary & Paul RItter

“These are hard times for all businesses, but as a team and a community, we will get through them together, which is exactly what the Farmers’ market is all about. “

Rachael Baseley

“The Farmers’ Market has been a special event/memory for this family for over 28 years! Being a shy person, the market and the people have helped me grow within. We will always be grateful for this opportunity.”

Charlie Murdy

“I continue to participate in the GVFM because it is a healthy environment where people come with a great attitude. Always friendly, encouraging and generous.”

Aura Norman

“There is something special about a member of the community admiring your creations. It could be a jar of jam, a baby hat, a watercolor print, or a greeting card… it is a feeling you simply can’t experience when you sell your products through a third party.”

Rachael Baseley

“All of our proceeds go to local charities. We’ve given over $180,000 in grants to local nonprofits through our 100% volunteer efforts.”

Gallatin Gardeners Club

“I see the same people each week…it’s part of the community rhythm It’s important to have access to locally grown food and handmade materials. I love to see the artwork everyone makes to sell – such an expression of love and beauty.”

Adrienne Zimny

“I remember the first time someone purchased a large, framed print of my (now) best-selling Sandhill Crane. They complimented my work, and for the first time, I truly though of myself as an artist.”

Rachael Baseley

“Over 20 years ago, when I moved back to Montana, I had extra product. It was well received at the GVFM, so I made more product. Now, the grown-up children of those early customers are collecting my product!”

Lisa Marshall
Marshall Pottery

“The market provides an inexpensive venue for my small business to remain profitable. The bonus is that I get to socialize with members of the community and make friends with fellow vendors, all of whom are incredibly supportive of each other.”

Rachael Baseley

“I guess I would just like to say that being a part of the GVFM has been such a positive, uplifting experience for me. Being a small business, the fact that you allow me to pay weekly as an option has been really nice as it has helped me budget. I really appreciate that. This market is a vital part of our community and I hope it can continue on into the future.”

Jessica Kelly

“Not only does GVFM provide incredible fresh vegetables to the community, it also is a fantastic venue for artists and crafts people and a springboard for entrepreneurs. GVFM is a great place for a breakfast treat and to meet with friends.”

Lisa Marshall
Marshall Pottery

“I love the fact that all vendors will tell customers where other vendors are and that they have the best items when they have sold out or do not have anymore.”

Linda Taranto
D&D West Greenhouses

“One family – the mother was pregnant then gave birth – every Saturday they bought 1 small bag of korn – they shared it while watching us make more. The son – grew up with kettle korn and now has graduated and they still come! 1 small bag of korn split 3 ways. I don’t know their names, I do not see them anywhere else, but I feel happy to see them and that they market made a difference in their family and enjoyment.”

Mary & Paul Ritter
Korn Dancing

Vendor Perks

As a program of Career Transitions (CT), the GVFM’s purpose is to provide an opportunity for local vendors to market, display and sell their goods to promote economic well-being and support the development of home-based businesses.

Year after year, the market acts as a safe space for new proprietors to learn and grow their business while strengthening relationships with other sellers in the state. The GVFM prides itself in acting as a starting point for many beginning businesses and through this link between CT and the GVFM, the market fulfills our collaborative mission to help individuals find economic sustainment through self-owned business. Not to mention, the GVFM is a pretty fun place to call “work!”

Be First in Line for Premiere Products

Before our market opens to the public at 9 am, our GVFM vendors get a chance to purchase from other participating vendors. This means, as a vendor, you get first pick on fresh produce, flowers, baked goods and so much more!

Be Featured on our Socials & Website

When you become a part of the GVFM, our team goes to bat for you! We strive to always market for and recommend our vendors' products everywhere we go. Specifically, you will be listed under our vendor directory and will also have a chance to be featured on our social media pages and groups.